Friday 27 June 2014

Still Grateful

I was reminded today about this blog and thought it maybe I should post about why I gave it up.

I haven't stopped being grateful but then being grateful was never a problem for me. 

I didn't tire of look for thing to photograph, though it was becoming harder to find images to represent my feelings.

I did however feel that the blog was becoming counter productive. 

Being grateful doesn't mean I can't be sad.

Conversely being sad doesn't mean I'm not grateful.

I am always grateful for what I have but I started to find that by reminding myself on my hardest days why I should be grateful made me resentful and guilty for feeling bad. I firmly believe that sometimes you just have to ride the bad days out and that trying to force yourself out of them can make the situation worse. Therefore I decided to stop 365 days of grateful because whilst always grateful I'm not always in the mood to acknowledge the things I am grateful for. Sometimes I just need to be selfish and hide and recover. Then when I emerge from my hiding place I will be even more grateful than before. It turned out that this project which on the surface sounded perfect for me wasn't my thing after all. 

Friday 21 February 2014


I am grateful that even after a 12 hour work day I am able to laugh at myself when I do something stupid. It's nice to know my sense of perspective is returning to normal!

Thursday 20 February 2014


I am grateful for all the years I've had and all the years I hope have yet to be but mostly I am grateful for my friends who remembered me and took the time to let me know they were thinking of me.

Wednesday 19 February 2014


I'm grateful for the good friends I have made since I moved to NZ 8 months ago.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

45 & 46

Day 45

I'm grateful that I can still have silly moments at work event hough I'm supposed to be the boss.

Day 46

I'm grateful that when I left work today I acuallty stopped working for the day.

Monday 17 February 2014

Day 43 & 44

Day 43

Grateful that the loud music festival I could hear from my room only happens once a year!

Day 44

Grateful to have the support of my friend and co-worker which helped me find the courage to act and hire my much needed new employee!

Friday 14 February 2014

Day 42

42 is the answer and 42 is the day and on this day I am grateful I ignored my tiredness and made the effort to see this amazingly funny fringe play.