Friday 27 June 2014

Still Grateful

I was reminded today about this blog and thought it maybe I should post about why I gave it up.

I haven't stopped being grateful but then being grateful was never a problem for me. 

I didn't tire of look for thing to photograph, though it was becoming harder to find images to represent my feelings.

I did however feel that the blog was becoming counter productive. 

Being grateful doesn't mean I can't be sad.

Conversely being sad doesn't mean I'm not grateful.

I am always grateful for what I have but I started to find that by reminding myself on my hardest days why I should be grateful made me resentful and guilty for feeling bad. I firmly believe that sometimes you just have to ride the bad days out and that trying to force yourself out of them can make the situation worse. Therefore I decided to stop 365 days of grateful because whilst always grateful I'm not always in the mood to acknowledge the things I am grateful for. Sometimes I just need to be selfish and hide and recover. Then when I emerge from my hiding place I will be even more grateful than before. It turned out that this project which on the surface sounded perfect for me wasn't my thing after all.